Let me tell you something I think you already know….
No one NEEDS a life coach.
EVERYONE, could do a lot better with one.
Here’s why:
Life coaches work with awesome humans (like yourself), who find themselves at what I call a ‘change state’.
That could look like:
An emerging leader, taking on new opportunities
A team taking on new challenges in the workplace
A new parent re-entering the workforce
A budding mogul, on a quest to manifest their entrepreneurial vision
A recent graduate, entering the workforce for the first time
Anyone who is considering what alternate realities their talents might create
Anyone who chooses to ’name themselves’ by claiming and living the identity that they choose - rather than what others have chosen for them
A ‘change state’….the process of one ‘state’, mindset or way of being, changing to another.
I became a Life Coach, because I believe in change as a necessary component to our vitality.
And our spirit knows it too…as when change is most needed, is when the spirit gets most restless.
Perhaps that’ knowing’ is what led us to find each other…..
If my story matters to you…check out my ‘About Me’ page…
If YOUR story matters to you…here’s some of the ways a Life Coach can help:
‘Presence Activation’: Most of us live our lives with 2 settings…basing our decisions on the past, or leaning into fear of the future. This creates barriers to the progress we want to create in life. Life coaches can help you examine what those barriers are and the ‘why’s behind them, so that you can “moveon.com’!
‘Awareness Cultivation’: You’ve probably heard it said that our behaviors are a result of our unconscious thoughts… Its true! Our thoughts, influence our emotions, which influence our actions, which create our outcomes/results. So if you’re not seeing the results in your life that you deserve, ‘stinkin thinkin’ could be the culprit. You can dig into that with the aid of a Life Coach.
‘Goal Setting / Action Planning’: Sometimes our thinking prevents us from taking the action we need. And other times, we need to perform actions in order to alter the way in which we think of things. Don’t worry if this seems tricky to wrap your head around…Life Coaches can help you decide what are the plans and steps that make most sense.
‘The Big AHA’ : What is our purpose, why are we here, why don't those ‘soft whispers’ in my head just let me keep playing small instead of living my truth? If you can relate to any of this - we are of the same tribe. I was there…and it led me to find my purpose as a Life Coach. Now I graciously and enthusiastically walk my path - which is to help as many kindred spirits as I can to connect with their intuition, define their purpose, and chart a course to live their vision out loud.
Know this....wherever our paths take us from here, I want you to know that you should be proud of yourself for ‘tuning in’ and coming this far.
I certainly am.
And if I can be of service, let me know.
Until then, Keep Going!